The User ID and password are case sensitive and are the same for all users. The User ID is “fieldops” and Password is “D0j1066! (Capital D, Zero, lower case j, 1066 exclamation point). It is also available as an online examination at the Client Services Program (Field Operations) link.

Select Field Operations, Downloads/ Publications. This proficiency examination is available for downloading by accessing the DOJ California Law Enforcement Web (CLEW) site at. Training records will be periodically audited by the NCIC and the DOJ. Training records must indicate the date the recertification exam was completed and either the final score or a pass notation. This is accomplished by completing the current CLETS Operator Proficiency Examination, as provided by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Client Services Program, and obtaining a score of at least 70%.
However, recertification is required biennially for both Full Access and Less Than Full Access terminal operators. Workbooks need only be completed once in an operator’s career. If the agency maintains a score for the workbook, 70% is considered passing. Training records must be maintained, revlecting the level of the operator (Full Access or Less Than Full Access), the date the operator completed CLETS training and the date the operator completed the workbook. The completed workbook should be kept by the operator as reference material. In Section Two, Full Access operators must complete the chapters on Record Maintenance and CLETS, and then those chapters of the workbook related to their job assignments. Because some individuals access selected databases only, ALL operators must complete the chapters on General Policies and Liability/Security Issues, CLETS, Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS), and then those chapters of the workbook related to their job assignment. As the operator completes a chapter of the workbook, review that chapter and record the completed date on the appropriate Completion Log in that section. The Full Access operator MUST complete Sections One and Two.

Each section of the workbook is clearly marked, i.e., Section One Combined and Section Two Full Access. This telecommunications workbook is designed to meet the aforementioned requirements and combines BOTH the FULL ACCESS and the LESS THAN FULL ACCESS workbooks into one document. A Less Than Full Access (Inquiry) Operator has a CLETS User ID and password and only makes inquiries into the systems.
A Full Access (Update) Operator is defined as an operator who has a CLETS User ID and password and makes inquiries into the systems and/or performs update functions.
INTRODUCTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR AGENCY CLETS COORDINATORS, TRAINING OFFICERS AND/OR SUPERVISORS The California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) Policies, Practices and Procedures (PPPs) (Section 1.8 – Training) and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Operating Manual (Section 3 – Quality Control, Validation, and Other Procedures) state the following regarding CLETS/NCIC training: Initially (within six months of employment or assignment) train, functionally test, and affirm the proficiency of terminal (equipment) operators (FULL ACCESS/LESS THAN FULL ACCESS) in order to ensure compliance with CLETS/NCIC policies and regulations. CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (CLETS) LESS THAN FULL ACCESS OPERATOR WORKBOOK July 2011Ĭalifornia Department of Justice Client Services Program KAMALA D.